Mission | Beliefs | Philosophy
“We who have fled for refuge might have strong encouragement to hold fast to the hope set before us. We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul.”
Sovereign Hope Church is a body of believers who have been saved by the work of Jesus Christ and are committed to spreading joy and contentment in Him as we learn to hold fast to the hope of His Second Coming together. (Hebrews 10:23-25)
Sovereign - Our God rules this universe that He created. We find hope and assurance in the truth that He works everything for His glory and the good of His children. (Rom. 8:28)
Hope - As God’s children, we anxiously await the return of our King, who is our blessed hope. As a church, we are striving to fight sin and enjoy Jesus as we seek to spread the gospel to all nations. Jesus Christ is our treasure and we are longing for His glorious return. (Titus 2:11-14)
While not affiliated with a specific denomination, Sovereign Hope Church affirms many of the historical beliefs of the Baptist faith. In practice, we strive to be Christ-centered, Prayer-focused, Fellowship-minded, and Gospel-driven in every area of our life.
Click to view our "Statement of Faith"
Click to view our "How We Function" document (Church Bylaws)
Our Goal: To establish a church of people who are learning and teaching others to hold fast to the hope of Christ’s return.
Our desire is to relate the glorious truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ and His certain return to our culture in a fresh and relevant way.
Our desire is to carefully examine everything we do as a church so that we might hold on to those practices commanded in Scripture and remain flexible in areas that are not.
Our desire is to work together to provide what we feel the New Testament presents as normal church life.
Why Senoia? We believe Senoia provides a unique opportunity to reach a growing community that offers a variety of living and employment options in the surrounding cities for our members.
Our Vision: A Great Commission vision of “thinking big.” We want to be a church planting movement that seeks to lead the lost to Christ, build churches in the surrounding areas and ultimately send our members around the globe to make disciples of all nations.
Our Methods: We seek to provide structured and unstructured gathering opportunities that offer deepening levels of Fellowship, Discipleship, and Accountability for each of our members. We believe the “deeper” you go within our church, the more connected you will be.
DEPTH 1: Sunday Morning (Large Group)
Focused and Intentional Sunday Gatherings: When we assemble together, our desire is to make the Word focal as we worship God through prayer, praise, and preaching. Our Sunday services last around seventy-five minutes (10:30 am - 11:45 am) as we devote ourselves to the important activities that the New Testament describes as necessary for a local body of believers.
Unique to Sunday Gatherings:
1. All of our church family together (Fellowship)
2. Formal teaching/preaching of God’s Word (Discipleship)
3. Giving and singing (Discipleship)
4. Directed application from the teaching (Accountability)
5. Baptism and Lord’s Supper (Accountability)
DEPTH 2-3: C-Group and D-Group (Smaller Group)
Community Groups (C-Groups) and Discipleship Groups (D-Groups): We meet in smaller settings throughout the month to deepen the relationships we share within the church. Our groups are built on the fellowship and accountability that comes from studying God’s Word together. Our C-Groups meet the 1st Wednesday of the month, with our men and women coming together for a meal and introductory discussion on a specific passage of Scripture for the month. Our D-Groups meet on the 3rd (men only) and 4th (women only) Wednesdays of each month to study our specific passage of Scripture together and discuss ways to live out what we have learned.
Unique to C-Groups:
1. Community and conversation around the dinner table (Fellowship)
2. Introductory discussion to D-Group studies (Discipleship)
3. Specific care for a subset of our larger church family (Accountability)
Unique to D-Groups:
1. Gender-specific community and conversation (Fellowship)
2. Modeling environment for studying the Bible personally (Discipleship)
3. Prayer and basic encouragement for navigating life (Accountability)
DEPTH 4: Gospel Connections (Smallest Group)
Gospel Connections: We encourage our members to connect throughout the month with each other based on common schedules and activities. These connections could include meeting up for coffee to pray together, inviting a young married couple to your house in order to share wisdom from your own marriage, calling someone to share a personal struggle, or inviting someone to join you in a shared hobby to simply have an encouraging conversation together. The possibilities are endless as the goal is simply to connect with others around the common unity we share in the gospel.
Unique to Gospel Connections:
1. Intimate community through organic relationships (Fellowship)
2. Growing together based on shared interests/needs (Discipleship)
3. Specific encouragement for areas of weakness (Accountability)
“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.”
What is a "big" small church?
We recognize that many people in our culture today are looking for a "small church" feel where they can come and know and be known by the other members of the church. Often times though, a small church is synonymous with a dead church. If a church is small then it typically means it is either not growing or does not wish to grow. This leaves many with the dilemma of choosing either a mega-church that is growing or a small church that is stagnant. Our answer for maintaining the small church feel that many desire while also faithfully growing in response to Christ's commands is to plant other churches. Our goal is to grow our membership (150 range), and as our membership grows, our plan is to plant another church locally by sending out a portion of our own members and leaders. In addition, we want to think globally as well by targeting gospel needy areas around the world that we can send our members to help plant churches overseas. Thus, Sovereign Hope desires to be a "church planting church" that faithfully grows by making disciples while remaining small enough to ensure strong community and relationships.