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The Brewers | Sovhope Spotlight Blog

Adam Vinson

“Cousins by chance – friends by choice.” – Darlene Shaw.

That’s right. You know I’m pulling out all the stops for this one when I take the time to look up a quote. I really liked this one, almost as much as I liked the one by Britney Spears:

“I always call my cousin because we're so close. We're almost like sisters, and we're also close because our moms are sisters.”

What a revelation. Anyways, while I like the quote by Darlene Shaw, I don’t agree with it. I don’t believe that the family God has put in my life was by chance; I believe He did so with an intentional purpose. Jesse and I are really close. So close, that if you are around us long enough then Jesse will make your ears bleed with the sound of laughter and we will start talking in a language you can’t understand, full of inside jokes and movie quotes. It’s by God’s grace and provision we didn’t drift apart or get into a teenage hormonal fueled argument that obliterated our relationship.

Because of our closeness, there is nothing more important to me than knowing that my best friend is being taken care of by the best person on the planet for him, and I am very thankful that God was just as intentional in that area by bringing Courtlynd into his life. It’s not often that your best friend picks a companion that slips right into the family mold as if she had been apart of it all along. Was I little skeptical at first? Sure. When you’ve had a good thing going for so long, you don’t want it to get ruined. But I’ll let you guys in on a little secret, what I found out is that Courtlynd is actually cooler than Jesse. The reason Jesse is who he is now, is because of Courtlynd. That cool haircut, those cool clothes, and that cool sense of style all come from Courtlynd. Now, has Jesse made it his own and taken the reigns on all of that? Maybe. Who can say for sure? But let me tell you, before Courtlynd there was no listening to the Indie music and wearing the skinny jeans and putting product in the hair. If it weren’t for her, Jesse would still be wearing a ratty hat turned backwards on top of a 90’s hair cut disaster with a pair of frayed denim shorts. Sorry Jess, but we’re men and we can both admit it’s true. All of that is to prove my point; God has been very intentional in our lives and who He has put in them, and I am forever thankful for it.


Everyone knows Jesse and Courtlynd as the medical duo of our church; the people we call to say “Hey this thing on my body looks weird, what is it?” Usually they just hang up, but every now and then they might save your life. But sometimes, saving lives can be hard and especially tiring. However, it just so happens they both have new, exciting circumstances in their jobs that they are looking forward to! At Piedmont Fayette, where Courtlynd works, they just finished building a new floor that would solve 90% of patient complaints (as well as employee). It’s suppose to be quieter, calmer, have private rooms as opposed to those Kleenex thin curtains they hang between two sick people, Greek style columns, and a babbling brook that flows into a glorious waterfall. Well, maybe not those last three things, but it will most certainly feel that way to the stressed out nurses who have the esteemed honor of working up there. Unfortunately, Courtlynd has seen little of the Promised Land. She tasted the sweet milk and honey of the 5th floor, and then was forced back down below to eat manna. Hopefully, just as time moves on, so will Courtlynd into the glories of the 5th floor.

Speaking of moving on, that brings me to Jesse. Jesse has been an EMT for almost six years, and he’s finally had enough of it. He has been taking classes towards entering into the nursing program, and he is doing really well, recently getting all A’s. He’s recognized some of the benefits of school, such as how it’s made him more productive by setting priorities and goals, but he knows that the nursing program is still some distance away. So, in the mean time, he recently interviewed at Piedmont Newnan for an E.R. Tech position and got the job! It will be similar to what he was doing as an EMT, but he will be in the hospital his whole shift, which will change from his usual 24 hours to 12 hours. This position will allow him to be at home more, and create his own schedule. What this means is that he will now work the hours of a normal person and stop asking you to hang out right slap in the middle of the week. This also means that if you were a fan of the Brewers before, then get excited because you will see them on Sunday’s more often now as they will both be scheduling that as one of their regular off days.


It’s time! The sun is out. The garden beds are clean, and packed with beans, spinach, peas, and lettuce. The canoe is clean, and packed with fishing poles, tackle bags, oars, and Judah. The Brewers are the type of family that hobbies hard. No other family do I know that is as committed to doing what they love doing consistently and constantly. Having hobbies is great, but with the Brewers it’s on a whole new level because their heart is revealed through them. Courtlynd tends to her garden faithfully, not just for them, but so that she can give a lot of it away and serve other families. If that isn’t a faithful steward of a hobby, then I don’t know what is! And Jesse is always inviting people to go fishing with him. He takes the time to put his boat on his car and drive you around, just so that you can go fishing and spend time together. In fact, he just took a bunch of guys on a river trip this week! They both model incredible servant hearts through their hobbies, allowing people to come along side of, and enjoy it with them. I have eaten many vegetables from Courtlynd’s garden, and I have caught many fish in Jesse’s canoe. I get to enjoy life just as much as they do, but without all the work and maintenance. The beautiful thing is that it isn’t because I am family and get special treatment, it’s because they enjoy serving others through their hobbies.

Judah is a great dog. He’s also a big dog. He’s the kind of dog that makes me say, “I wish I was like Jesse, so that I could have a dog like Judah, and have the ability to train him the way Jesse has”, and I never say I wish I was like Jesse. But seriously, he has trained Judah so well that he will even take my commands. Now, it’s important to remember that Judah just turned one, so there is plenty more for him to learn. But with any 1 year old, even dogs, patience and the commitment to continue teaching and instructing is key. That is something that Jesse and Courtlynd have had to learn, and grow in together, through this process. They love having Judah as addition to their family, and I would say you can tell the time and care they take in training him by how far he’s come from being a puppy, even if he does get mouthy sometimes.

I’m sorry you guys. I just really lucked out in the family department. And I’m not just biased; I’ve met your families. But the good news is that you all get to enjoy them as part of your church family! As I said before, I don’t think it’s by chance that God has placed the family I have in my life by accident, and I think the same goes for you all as well. God has not accidentally placed the Brewers to be apart of your church family, and I’m sure you are just as thankfully for them as I am. Who else is going to tell you what that weird thing is on your body?

The Garretts | SovHope Spotlight Blog

Adam Vinson

 By David M.

My first foray into the Garrett family was when Marcus started working in the Chick-fil-A warehouse in August of 2013. Because of this, we were forced to spend time together, and it was during this time that I did what any young warehouse worker would do. That’s right, I grilled him on his theology. To the point that he told me to shut up. It’s not often that people tell me to shut up, not often enough, but I knew from that day on that we would make the greatest of friends. I could tell there was something about him, something that I appreciated. It could be how down-to-earth, straight forward, genuine, authentic, and unashamedly 90’s he is (a quality I particularly enjoy). Whatever it is, you all saw it as well because it wasn’t even a year before you were writing his name on the deacon ballot. Now I am big fan of Marcus, but he was just the tip of the Garrett family iceberg. Renee is the perfect co-partner for Marcus. She is one of the (if not the) kindest, most humble, servant hearted, easy going women I have ever met. Time and time again I have seen her serve her family with sacrificial love and care. When I’m around them, I feel like I might actually have to start being a better person! Can you ease up on the humble servitude please? Then there is Noah. He is quiet. He is content. He is contagious. Is that weird to say? I don’t care. It’s always that quiet ones that come out and surprise you the most. The more I am around Noah the more glimpses I get into his heart and character, and I like what I see. There is a deep-rooted passion and sensitivity in his soul that allows him to connect emotionally to others in a way that is unparalleled by his peers. Finally, we come to Patti, the little firecracker we have all come to know and love. She was the missing ingredient of the Garrett’s secrete sauce, adding more than just a little spice into their lives.


The Garrett’s are coming to, and hitting a lot of milestones, such as replacing the knob that broke off their sink five years ago and finally getting Internet after eight years. You read that right. Eight years. This family could write a book on contentment! Besides those, they have some major points of praise and prayers. It’s been two years since Renee quit her job to start her new job as a full-time mom. I hear the hours are long and that it pays…nothing, which is why making the decision in the beginning was difficult. They felt the urge to trust the Lord with their finances, and have since seen Him graciously provide at every turn. Renee recounted those who, with care in their hearts, advised against this decision, and I think the point to remember is that the call you feel in your life may not make sense to the world, and it doesn’t have to. God will be there every step of the way, even if it is difficult.


Noah has a few changes and milestones as well. He will be transferring from Sandy Creek High School to East Coweta next year. The family is praying that the transition will be easy, also for the Lord to sovereignly place him with teachers and friends who will benefit his growth into young adulthood. Another prayer of theirs, is for God to provide a vehicle for Noah. He’s quickly approaching the golden age of teenage years, sweet sixteen. The year where you drive off into the sunset with your new license, leaving your parents crying in the driveway as the words “Be Careful” are drowned out by the sound of screeching tires and heavy metal music. And what does Noah want to be sitting on top of those screeching tires? You guessed it. A Ford F-150 with four-wheel drive. Marcus is a little more realistic with the possibilities, but did say that Noah has saved up a lot of his own money, so if he finds the deal of lifetime there’s no stopping him.

Speaking of people who can’t be stopped, let’s talk about Patti. She has been described as “The Eye of the Storm” by Marcus, which Renee felt was very fitting. She’s vastly approaching three, and the family is already seeing glimpses of her personality. Patti is sassy, loving, strong-willed, passionate, independent, and a good compliment to the Garrett family, challenging their laid back, easy going life-style. They ask for prayer in continuing to raise her up in a godly household as well as for her sleeping schedule.


Is there anyone in our church that doesn’t love Garretts? No? Of course not. If you don’t, then you just lost your membership at Sovereign Hope. The Garrett’s are one of those families that you didn’t know you needed in your life until they enter it, and now you cannot imagine life and our church without them. I think it’s safe to say that we are all very thankful and grateful for who they are and what they mean to us as friends and as an addition to our community of believers.

Maggie Trice | SovHope Spotlight Blog

Adam Vinson

By David M.

Let's all take a trip down memory lane to when our church met at the Freeman Sasser. I know what you're all thinking, "I've paid thousands of dollars in psychiatric help to block the memories of the disgusting broom closet nursery, dead cockroaches on the ground, and terrible acoustics that made it sound like kids were screaming into bullhorns." Okay, maybe I'm the one thinking that. But for all its bad, the Ol' Sassy did see some good times. How can I say that with a straight face? Well, it's because Maggie Trice first visited our church during that time. She was a close friend with Jessica McCloud (then Booher) who had invited her to join us on a Sunday morning. Wary, but being a good friend, she decided to give us a shot, and came on a morning that just so happened to be when we were discussing The Elephant Room series. Those of you who weren't there for that missed a truly exciting phase in our church history called the, "We're small enough to do whatever we want" phase. Unfortunately, that was the best day Ol’ Sassy ever saw because Maggie never visited another Sunday until we got our own building (I wonder why). However, she was impacted by her experience and was interested enough in our church to start visiting the singles night events. Thank goodness for us because it was through these events that Maggie decided we were the kind of people she wanted to do life with, and she has never looked back since.


Have you guys been to Maggie’s? If you haven’t, then this is not an open invitation to show up and knock on the door, but if you have then you know why I’m bringing it up. The first thing that you will notice is that she is very tidy. Everything has its place and is in that place for a specific reason. The second thing you will see is her eye for interior design, and I should know because I too have somewhat of an interior designers eye (I mean, I watch a lot of Fixer Upper), and what Maggie has done with the space is both functional and tasteful. I can say that, not because of my experience as a professional TV watcher, but because Maggie will tell you that the creative control she has to design her own space has been one of the best parts of living by herself as well as independence she has experienced. She has loved living on the property with Jesse and Courtlynd and is not the only who has benefited from it. Maggie has enjoyed seeing her dog Wallace start to thrive as he comes more and more out of his shell.


Maggie had a vey satisfying career as a wedding photographer, but now she’s blazing a trail in her new business, photographing a more memorable occasion. You might be asking, “What’s more memorable than my wedding day?” How about the day you’re squeezing your husbands’ hand so hard that your fingernails start cutting into his skin, or your wife is yelling so loud that you are now experiencing early signs of hearing loss?

That’s right. I’m talking about the day your baby is born. Maggie is right there with you to capture the moment your bundle of joy enters this world and you first meet your new son or daughter. To be fully transparent, I thought this was a weird idea when she was explaining it. I mean to me, I want just the necessities in a delivery room: wife, doctor, and “The Final Countdown” blaring in the background. I had never imagined that scenario with a photographer, but now that I’m writing it I have to be honest, it makes me a little emotional. That is truly an amazing time to capture photographic memories as you bring new life into this world, and the crazy thing is that she is the only one in the surrounding area that offers these services (hence the “blazing a trail” part I mentioned earlier). She has to be on call for three weeks for every client, which means that at any second during that time she could get the call to come to the hospital. Talk about stressful! But as she talks about sharing the beauty of a new life and how precious life is with her clients, you can see how meaningful the job is to her. She is going to expand her services this year to include lifestyle family portraits and another package called “Fresh 48”, which would be photos taken 48 hours after birth, as well as offer support in the delivery room by becoming a certified doula. Along with trying to grow that business, she is also working at Ben’s Odds and Ends. She is really enjoying it, specifically the opportunity she has to get closer to Andrea and the Schwarting family and support a business whose purpose is much bigger than making money. The growth that she has experienced from working for Ben and with his family has been invaluable in her life, and she requests prayer to be a good steward of her time as she balances both Ben’s Odds and Ends and her growing photography business.


Maggie is like a cake. Or maybe I mean she’s like an onion. Or is it an Ogre? I don’t know. Ever since Shrek I’ve been really confused on which is the best metaphor. What I’m getting at here is that there are a lot layers to her, and while that may sound silly, I am being very serious when I say that it is definitely worth it to take the time to get to know her. What you will find is someone who is caring, funny, honest, genuine, and someone that everyone needs in their life. I know that we are truly blessed to have her serving as a deacon at our church, and I am very glad that the Freeman Sasser didn’t scare her off. 

The McClouds 2.0 | SovHope Spotlight Blog

Adam Vinson

Alex tells me that when we first met, I was sarcastic and uninterested in having a conversation with him. He would probably say that not a lot has changed, and yet our lives have become so intertwined. From mannerisms and quirks to phrases and facial expressions, I don't know how much of me is actually me and how much of it is Alex. Thankfully, that's a good thing for me (not so much for Alex) because Alex's character is the kind that as a friend and Christian, I want to emulate. Now, believe you me (whatever that phrase means) I know personally that behind every great man is an even greater woman. Alex's better half and life partner displays the same characteristics and then some. Both have an incredible servant heart and genuine love for others. It just seems like they were meant to be. And that is why when Alex told me he was interested in someone at our church, I guessed it was Jessica. I was so excited that I told some people. Okay a lot of people. So much so, that by the time Jessica found out, she may have been the only one who didn't know. Thankfully, I didn't ruin anything because I think we can all agree that we are better off with them in our lives than without them.


God's timing is the best timing. That seems to be the message of the story of Alex and Jessica searching for a house. Their hunt started a year ago, and at that time they had found a house on Wagon Wheel Trail they really liked, but they felt that it just wasn't time. They just recently started the process again, and at times felt discouraged. It seemed like there was nothing on the market that fit what they were looking for. Then, Alex used his gift of prophesy and said "I've got a feeling about February." I was skeptical because didn't we already go through the gifts of the spirit and how prophecy wasn't necessary anymore? Well, guess again because February came along and where did Alex and Jessica find themselves? Back on Wagon Wheel Trail, looking at their future home, and the swimming pool that we are all going to use. Their search has come full circle and they are praising God for his provision and perfect timing. Currently, they've done the inspections and gotten the appraisal back. All they are are waiting for now is to sign the papers on March 13th!


When I'm around this kid I always have to put my guard up. I mean look at him. He's got the cutest smile, one that belongs on the front of Gerber, and the greatest laugh. That's why I have to be on guard. That face says "Come on. You know having a baby isn't that bad. I mean look at me. I'm great!" And then I say "Yeah, you're right!" Next thing I know, I've got the worst temperamental baby who won't sleep at night or smile at me and I'll resent Titus for the rest of his life. Now, I see perfection in Titus, but that's because he leaves after 2 hours and I don't have to deal with him. For Alex and Jessica, they have been learning a lot of lessons in selflessness and have been growing in teamwork together as they are in that parenting stage where everything they see has turned into a potential danger. Titus has started army crawling, which allows him the mobility into non-babyproofed territory. Everything is now a choking hazard, electrical hazard, or shoved up the nose hazard. Along with that challenge they are also expanding his ability to eat regular food, which when I hear regular food I'm thinking like, steak. Okay maybe not steak but something good at least. Imagine my surprise when Jessica pulls out green ice cubes. She told me that it's mashed up peas that have been frozen. She then microwaved and spoon whipped them into mush. I guess there are varying opinions on what regular food is. My mistake. However, Titus' food options are about to broaden as Alex and Jessica are expecting him to start teething soon, which I hear is a really fun process. All in all they are really enjoying being parents and taking care of baby Titus.  

I am extremely thankful for the influence that Alex and Jessica have been in not only my life, but others as well. They are truly a blessing to all they interact with and to our church. Pray for them as they continue to grow in parenthood and raise baby Titus, as well as take on new financial responsibility with the house and create a new home together.